Looking towards Perseverance Harbour |
Campbell Island (11,268ha) is the eroded remnants of a shield
volcano and is the southern-most of the NZ Sub-Antarctic Islands. On Campbell it rains on average 325 days a
year, so we were very lucky to have sunshine for extended periods on the two
days we were there. Six albatross
species breed here; only Crozet’s Island has more. Though these species as well as a large number
of other sea birds breed on the Island, I only managed decent images of three
species of albatross. To see more you
would need to spend longer, or have access to more of the island. After decades
of work, it is largely free of feral animals, having become the largest island
in the world on which rats have been eradicated.
Light-mantled Sooty Albatross |
Day 5. The journey south
to Campbell Island was relatively smooth compared to some of our previous days.
We arrived in Perseverance Harbour early in the morning. After lunch we landed
at the base of the Meteorological station and with light rain falling commenced
the 4 km boardwalk to Col Lyell. On the way we got our see more nesting Southern
Royal Albatross up close. This walk also gave us an opportunity to see the mega
herbs and ground hugging plants at close range in an area not affected by any recent
grazing. At the lookout at the end of the walk there were fantastic views over
the coast. Admiring the view could only be a short term thing as the cold wind
was so fierce that it literally took your breath away. On returning to the
landing area we were entertained by another pair of Auckland Island Teal. This
was remarkable given that this was the third pair I’d seen so far of this
extremely rare bird.
North-west Bay |
Looking Along the West Coast |
Day 6 A mainly sunny day
just when we needed it. Today about ten of us completed a full day’s walk to
North-West Bay and then returning on a northern route that skirted the
mountains. The first part of the walk was rather challenging as it was very
boggy and steep in places. But once we made it to the top of the saddle this
was soon forgotten as the views to the North west cape were spectacular. Then
as if on cue a pair of Light-mantled albatross appeared to perform their
synchronised courtship flight display in the sky right in front of us.
Sea Elephant wiener, or otherwise known as an “Orca sausage” |
The next part of the walk took us along the edge of the
limestone cliffs before dropping down to Capstan Beach. Here we immediately
came face to face with the local wildlife. There to meet us unfortunately was a
delinquent Sea lion which spent the next 30 minutes harassing us. It chased us
about 100 metres around the coast, only stopping when we stopped paying it any
attention. This beach was a hotspot for wildlife with Sea Elephant, Sea Lions
and a single sick looking Sea Leopard present. The birds seen were a cheeky NZ
Pipit, a Yellow-eyed Penguin (Sonja spotted it), Light-mantled Albatross, Red-billed
Gull and Brown Skua.
Synchronised Sooties |
After having lunch and taking our photographs it was a hard
slog through the scrub up the hill. I must admit I just about jumped out of my
skin when suddenly a sea lion lurched at me from the undergrowth. Thankfully no
one saw my panicked evasion. The amazing thing about these sea lions is they
will go kilometres inland and high into the hills for seclusion. Thankfully the return trip to Perseverance Harbour
though physically demanding held no more nasty surprises.
Not long after we’d reboarded our boat we weighed anchor and headed for Macquarie Island. Next instalment Macquarie Island.
New Zealand Pipit |
Wow... just a brilliant place with some brilliant birds. Looking forward to the next posting !